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Bloom: celebrating APAHM through Chinese Brush Painting

Massachusetts Asian+Pacific Islanders for Health

Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and explore the basic techniques in Chinese painting. Learn to paint the Four Noble Flowers and discover the meaning of flowers in Chinese art . This workshop teaches simple painting techniques of Chinese painting and promotes cultural appreciation.

For beginner to intermediate level learners, no prior painting skills is needed. Registration is now closed.

Art supplies such as brushes, Chinese watercolors, and art paper will be mailed to attendees once they completed the registration.

Here is what you do to Prepare your tools and Setup your table space for brush painting:

1) Table covering, avoid the mess of ink stains, protect the surface where you will be doing the painting.
2) Jar of clear cold water for washing your brushes. Never use hot or warm water. Clean the brushes carefully after the art session, do not touch the hair with your fingers, wipe them lightly on a paper towel then air dry.
3) Small mixing plate or wax-coated paper dish for mixing ink and colors.
4) Brush rest (optional), so the loaded brush will not stain the painting surface, and some paper towels to test the ink mix.

How to set up your new brushes and after care:

5) After you have purchased new brushes, here is what you do to before you begin painting:
– Soak them in a cup filled with cold water for 10 – 20 minutes, or for as long as it takes for the glue that is holding the brush hair together to melt. As a rule of thumb, never leave brushes alone soaking in water EXCEPT for the first time. Then lift the brush out of the water and gently wipe them on a clean paper towel. You can put them to dry on a flat surface, or if you have a brush hanger/holder then the brushes can be left top-down or upright. DO NOT touch the brush hair with your fingers.
– Do not try to put the brushes back in their plastic caps once the glue has melted. 
– When cleaning your brushes, always use cold water. Brushes are made with animal hair that can shrink if put in warm or hot water.  

Need more information? Contact: paulinpodesign@gmail.com

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